M1NTY Manchester Meetup

M1NTY Manchester Meetup

Event Time Thu 20th Mar 2025 at 8:00pm-Fri 21st Mar 2025 at 2:00am
Event Location Circle Square, Manchester
Event Price £5 - £10 + fees
NFT Icon Collectible NFT available for this event
Ben's Test Page


Entry with NFT £5.00 +
£1.00 booking fee
Ticket with a booking fee £10.00 +
£1.00 booking fee
Ticket with no booking fee (absorbed) £10.00 +
£0.00 booking fee
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M1NTY Manchester Meetup

More than 150 web3 enthusiasts will be in attendance for the M1NTY collaborative meetup at No.1 Circle Square, Manchester. The late afternoon conference will include talks and presentations from representatives of all regions, plus the opportunity for attendees to network and build relationships with web3 and blockchain enthusiasts, developers and builders.

The late afternoon conference will include talks and presentations from representatives of all regions, plus the opportunity for attendees to network and build relationships with web3 and blockchain enthusiasts, developers and builders. An after party will follow at the Deaf Institute.


Circle Square
Circle Square, Oxford Rd, Manchester M1 7FS, UK