Short & Sweet Name Event 🍬

Short & Sweet Name Event 🍬

Event Time Sun 10th Nov 2030 at 8:00pm-Tue 11th Nov 2031 at 2:00am
Event Location Manchester Museum, Manchester
Event Price Free - £5,000 + fees
NFT Icon Collectible NFT available for this event
Last Entry Time
Last entry time: 10pm
Age Restrictions
Age restrictions: 18+
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Paid Ticket Low Price More £1.00 +
£1.00 booking fee
Paid Ticket High Price More £5,000.00 +
£500.00 booking fee
Paid NFT Ticket More £10.00 +
£1.00 booking fee
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Josh Ross

Short & Sweet Name Event 🍬

This is a short Description 🍬


Manchester Museum
University of, Oxford Rd, Manchester M13 9PL, UK